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Steven Ahlgrim
Nancy Anderson (Lerner)
Sandra Berkley (Kupstis)
Diane Bierchen (Wade)
Laura Bixby (Blocksom)
Daniel Blake
Ron Blake
Tom Blake
Dale Boelens
Carol Booster (Garrow)
Therese (Terry) Borrelli (Snower)
John Colomer
Craig Cone
Judith Conway (Svalander)
Mike Dillon
Donna Frett (Swartzloff)
Bonnie Freund (Rindt)
Darlene Freund
Mary Kay Freund (Etten)
Bill Funk
Tom Hauck
Terry Howard
Mary Jane Joosten (Mogdans)
Sandra Josserand (Gum)
Connie Justen
Rick Justen
Boyce (Scott) King
Donald Klapperich
Carol Kuntz (Perschke)
Carole Larsen
Jeanne Liptrot (Kennebeck)
Donald Mercure (Mercure)
James Morris
Robert Mrachek
Chris Newkirk
Michael Noonan
Gary O'Day
Pam Parker (Doherty)
Ann Pliner (Dolan)
Doris Rehberg (Justen)
Judy Reining (Fredrick)
Larry Schuerr
Carol Shuringa (Toussaint)
Dennis Smith
Marian Stange (Kotner)
Mary Ann Stepanovic (Chaney)
Virginia Stilling (Howard)
Wanda Tonyan (Christopher)
Mary Jo Wilson (Braun)
Ron Zank